Should you Study a Career in International Business? Discover it Here!

Should you Study a Career in International Business? Discover it Here!

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

If you’re here, it’s because you’ve to make a very important, and often stressful, decision: choosing a career. If you are considering studying a career in International Business, what follows is knowing what you need and what your chances of finding a job after graduation are, right?

That’s why we’ve prepared this article with answers to those common doubts that arise when you want to study the career you like. Ready for it? Keep on reading! There are also some exciting things at the end of the article.

Why study a career in International Business?

One of the main reasons for choosing a career in International Business is that it is currently booming.

Although it has always been a career with high demand due to its immediate job prospects, globalisation, the evolution of technology, and production methods have propelled this profession to the forefront of favourites.

But that’s not all. And to explain it better, we list some good reasons in your favour to argue why studying a career in International Business is a great choice.

High salaries

We won’t deny that salary is crucial when choosing a profession. In case you graduate from a career in International Business, your monthly income will allow you to live comfortably, even to travel the world and indulge yourself in certain luxuries.

Of course, not everything is comfortable. The pay is generous to compensate for the high demand for labour and the responsibilities entrusted to the professional. However, with the necessary tools and preparation, combined with your talent and skills, you have nothing to worry about.

International scope

Do you love travelling the world? Would you like a job that allows you to travel? Studying a career in International Business is your ideal choice because it’s not called “International” for nothing. So, due to the same work commitment, you will have the opportunity to visit new destinations like Canada, Singapore, Australia, or the United States.

Although there may be little time for fun due to work commitments, your salary will allow you to save to return and get to know closely those countries you liked the most and better connect with new cultures, their people, and business opportunities, why not?

Of course, if you choose a career in International Business at a foreign university, the chances of multiplying your global reach and accessing the best job offers are exponential.


Ease of starting your own business

Since doing business will be your specialty, nothing like doing it abroad and expanding your horizons to create an empire, in the best sense of the word. You can start your own company or work in independent and remote consultancy now that remote work is so in vogue.

This is possible thanks to the tools and knowledge you acquire when studying a career in International Business. Understanding how the international market works will give you the confidence to start large projects that will surely bear fruit.

Work from any country

You should also know that another advantage of a career in International Business is that you have access, to a certain extent, to the “club of digital nomads”.

This, of course, will depend on the type of job you want to do, whether it’s independent remote consultancy or integrating a business model that allows remote work, such as in digital products and services, for example.

The important thing is that staying in one place is not an option for International Business professionals. In fact, it would be contradictory.

Improvement of English and other languages

It cannot be denied that when aiming for international goals, communication is vital. English is essential to progress and survive in the world of International Business.

Therefore, this career will drive you to practice constantly and refine your specialized vocabulary to achieve ambitious projects. No doubt studying a career in International Business also means improving your fluency in English and other languages more widely spoken in the world, such as Mandarin Chinese and French.

What do you need to study a career in International Business?


Beyond choosing a career because you like it and see yourself making a living from what you love to do, an initial self-assessment is also necessary.

This step is not to give up your career in International Business if you feel passionate about this profession, but to find your strengths and weaknesses (like the famous SWOT in Marketing) and know where to focus your preparation.

Having said that, let’s move on to the important stuff. The profile of an International Business student is mainly composed of these skills:


Inspiring may sound poetic, but it’s also an essential ingredient for an entire team to work in perfect harmony and achieve the goals set by the company.

To do this, you need a strong dose of empathy. But you also need to immerse yourself in the current regulations of commerce, which you will obtain when studying International Business. That knowledge will serve to guide, delegate, and achieve goals at an international level.


Like any profession, teamwork is a fundamental piece of progress. Whether you’re just starting out or in a managerial position, thinking in the plural is a mindset you must adopt from the moment you start studying.

Therefore, your interpersonal skills also play an important role when studying for a career in International Business. Consider that the decisions and attitudes you have will make a large-scale impact.


The law of survival of the fittest also applies in the world of international trade. Therefore, adapting to changes is crucial to move forward with projects that generate a positive impact on today’s society.

As a professional in International Business, you will have the ability to find solutions to the accelerated advancement of global market dynamics and apply them to adapt to current trends.


Many say that negotiation is an art. And, like any art, it requires technique and practice to develop the necessary skills to create memorable works. Now, apply this to any Business degree.

Although it may seem obvious, strengthening your negotiation skills is essential to make a career in this field. When you decide to study a career in International Business, you open yourself to the opportunity to get to know new cultures from a commercial perspective, taking into account the economic and political aspects of your potential partners or clients from across the globe.


This has a close connection with the ability to negotiate, as you must first know how to communicate effectively. This, of course, you acquire before entering the professional world (for a job interview, for example). However, the idea is to reinforce those skills.

Beyond doing it in English, you will also have to do it in other languages. We have already mentioned it among the reasons to study a career in International Business. Take it as a challenge, which will later become a great advantage in your favour.

Analysis and reading

If a career attracts you a lot, it’s for a reason. In this case, the bibliography on economics, politics, and commerce will likely be your favourite. Reading a lot will help you refine your analytical ability on the field to anticipate possible conflicts and anticipate them with appropriate solutions.

So don’t stop training and informing yourself, especially if you are going to work abroad and have to negotiate to expand your horizons. From learning about the Irish to how Christmas is celebrated in Canada, everything adds up to establishing professional links in your favour.

What does a person who studies International Business do?

Now let’s talk about the profile of the International Business graduate. That is, what you are capable of doing once you finish your degree. But we’re not referring to job offers yet.

After studying for a career in International Business, you will have the necessary tools to work in companies with global and even multicultural operations. However, you will also have the ability to work in regional environments in your country or abroad, in public entities.

Likewise, with what you have learned in your studies, you will be able to do the following:

Commercial research

You can analyse the policies, regulations, or Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) of a country and, based on that, achieve the entry of a product or service into the local competition. You will also evaluate consumer needs anywhere in the world.

External consultancy

You will assist companies, private or public, that need your knowledge to carry out projects. For example, professionals in International Business are required to forecast the best time to carry out international transactions.


From your position in a company, you can be the one in charge of closing commercial treaties with other international entities. With this, your job will also be to solve conflicts related to finances and foreign relations between countries.

Strategy design

You will be responsible for creating a plan to maximise the production and sales of the company where you work. You can also do it externally, and among other functions, you will apply logistics for the international distribution of goods and services.


Where does a professional in International Business work?

One of the keys to knowing which career to choose is to close your eyes and imagine where you see yourself working. We know that studying a career in International Business may sound very good, but the truth comes when it’s time to look for a job.

So, don’t underestimate this aspect in this or any other profession. To help you, we explain where you could work after graduating as a professional in International Business.

Consulting firms

There are consulting firms dedicated to providing advice to other private entities, as well as to public institutions that need to implement foreign trade policies. Of course, this is also something you can do independently.

Imports and exports

You can work in evaluating cases to make decisions about buying and selling products or services on an international scale. All this is based on your knowledge of global market dynamics. You also have the option of working as a customs agent.

Sales and finances of public and private organisations

After graduating from a career in International Business, you will have job opportunities in key areas of many multinational companies, such as sales and finance. Likewise, you can also work as a commercial analyst.

Own entrepreneurship

With all that you have learned, you are more than ready to start your own business with international scope. We have already mentioned that it is possible and even more so in your case if you decide to study International Business.

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As you have seen, a career in International Business ensures you a good future with a very versatile career in the job market. Now, imagine taking it to another level and doing your studies abroad. It’s the winning combo to take off, right?

And you know what the best part is? That at GrowPro we focus on helping you make it happen!

We have the best International Business courses in Australia, Canada, and other amazing destinations to choose from. It all starts with a click here to choose your experience. Then, fill out the form to receive personalised advice tailored to your needs and interests.

It’s time to take control of your future and see the world! Doing it with us guarantees you a great adventure waiting for you. Let’s go!

About the author

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Tatiana viajó como mochilera por Canadá, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Brasil. Allí, mientras hacía una pasantía en Marketing Digital, descubrió su pasión para escribir sobre viajes. Desde 2018 se ha especializado en Content Marketing y, actualmente, es editora del blog de GrowPro.

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